
Stress less, banish exhaustion
and have more time for you

How to go from time poor to time rich

Do these ring any bells?

  • You’re constantly trying to get on top of things
  • There never seem to be enough hours in the day
  • You find it almost impossible to say no even when you really want to
  • There are so many demands made of you, it seems like everyone wants a piece of you
  • You're not the partner, mum, friend or daughter you want or know you can be because stress and tiredness makes you snappy and resentful
  • You feel the heavy weight of time pressure, and expectations, sitting on your shoulders
  • You get frustrated with how much you procrastinate
  • You don’t want to let anyone down or disappoint (it feels good to be needed)
  • You start your day with good intentions but then the time runs away from you and before you know it you’re crashing into bed exhausted

Perhaps you dream of having some time for yourself for once. Maybe you’ve tried to make more space in your day but it just never seems possible. Or perhaps you’ve managed to create a little time for yourself but you're struggling to find more than a few minutes here and there.

You think that if you could just… 

  • be more organised
  • get a grip on everything
  • stretch the hours in the day
  • fit more into those hours 

…you’d not be stressed, you’d feel calm, relaxed, peaceful and life would be great.

But somehow this never quite happens. And so on the cycle goes – always needing and never having more time.

Until now. This is the course for you.

gabrielle treanor writing in her journal on the sofa2


Stress less, banish exhaustion
and have more time for you

You can claim your time and along with it your calm and joy. You can feel free, light and expansive. You can bring ease, focus, and a sense of groundedness into your day. 

You can feel at peace with the number of hours in the day instead of always wishing there were more. You can drop the juggling act, the striving to get on top of things and the trying to keep up.

Here you can take control (and discover what that really means) of your time – how you use it, the demands made on it, where your energy goes, how, where and with whom you want to spend your time – so that you feel more calm, grounded, relaxed and free.

And all while still being the caring, thoughtful, generous, responsible woman you are. 

“You understand the guilt I feel about pretty much everything!”
– Rebecca

More time, more space

You don’t have to ditch your responsibilities, your life, your family, your work, and run away to live in a hut on the beach or a cabin in the mountains (unless you want to). You won’t be heartless, uncaring or mean. You don’t have to become someone you’re not to have more time for yourself.

Just think for a moment:

  • What would it be like to not feel stressed, exhausted and overwhelmed?
  • How would it feel to not be resentful and snappy with your loved ones, and yourself?
  • How would you feel if you had more time?
  • What would having more time allow you to do, and who would it allow you to be?
gabrielle treanor drinking tea in bed
gabrielle treanor riding a horse
gabrielle treanor flower arranging

When you have more time you can…

  • be calm, focused, energised
  • be the friend, partner, mum or daughter you want to be
  • strengthen connections with the people you care about
  • do what feels important and meaningful to you
  • lower your stress levels, drop your shoulders, relax the knots in your body
  • choose what you do with the space you’ve created that will relax, energise, inspire and uplift you
  • find a new job, change your career or start a new business
  • read, garden, make music, craft and create
  • take up a new hobby or learn a new skill
  • explore and take adventures
  • laugh, play, have fun, enjoy life more

You are here to thrive

Our society tells us that we need to be doing more, striving for more, giving more, it glorifies busyness and tricks you into believing your worth – who you are – is directly connected to how productive you are. And that takes up your time, your energy, your brain space, your creativity, your enjoyment of life. 

But you were not put on this planet purely to uphold the patriarchal, capitalist structure of our society. You are here to thrive, to make the difference you want, to love, to spend the time you have in your one wild and precious life in ways that feel nourishing, rewarding, authentic, powerful, and uplifting to you.  

“Thank you for Spacious, it was wonderful. I love the ROBA exercise, so brilliant for calming the fizzy brain. It's a very 'meaty course' and one that I will return to again and again as there was so much in it.”
– Paula

With this course and by having more time…

You will save:

  • Energy spent on trying to get on top of things and keep up
  • Frustration from not getting to the bottom of your to do list
  • Resentment from having to do all the things
  • Stress from trying to find more hours in the day 

You will get more:

  • Time!
  • Calm, focus and energy as you go through your day
  • Connection with the people you really care about
  • Contentment, accomplishment, fulfilment and satisfaction from how you spend your time
  • Enjoyment and happiness with your life
gabrielle treanor standing in front of bookshelf

Calmer, happier you

Let’s be clear: this isn’t about being more productive, or busier, or getting up earlier, or finding hacks so you can cram more into your days. This isn’t about you pushing through, working harder, or exhausting yourself trying to make every waking minute useful.

This is about how shifting your relationship with, and perception of, time – and with who and what takes up your time – will free you to stress less, banish exhaustion and have more time for you.

While that is justification enough for you investing your energy and yes, time, into this, let’s remember that you are not an island. How you are, how you feel, how you behave ripples out to those around you. 

So everyone else in your life benefits from you feeling more at ease, more spacious, more relaxed, more grounded, more joyful because you have more time.

gabs' devices

What you get

This course is not going to require you to set aside tonnes of time and fill out copious workbooks – you don’t have the time, that’s why you’re here! 

  • Everything in the course is available to listen to AND to read
  • The audio is available as a private podcast so you can easily listen to it on a podcast app like Apple Podcasts
  • The exact same content is also provided as text you can read in the secure and private online classroom
  • The content is released in the online classroom one week at a time over four weeks (no overwhelm here!). You can work through the course at your own pace, there’s no deadline, no keeping up or falling behind
  • You also have the option of having 2 x 45mins one to one coaching calls with me where we can talk about the specific challenges you’re dealing with

“I signed up to Spacious because I was feeling overwhelmed and pulled in all directions. Completing the course has given me a true understanding of my boundaries and values, and a diverse toolkit of which I am already seeing very positive mental health results from. I feel my day-to-day mindset is becoming much more conscious, self-respecting and contented. I highly recommend this course to anybody feeling frazzled!”
– Rebecca

Join Spacious!

Choose your level of support.

Option 1

Course only


(Payment plan
3 x £50)

Option 2

Course + 45mins 1:1 coaching call


(Payment plan
3 x £70)


“Spacious was really helpful with ways to cope when life is feeling full, without letting overwhelm take over or me trying to do too much and feel responsible for making sure everyone else was happy. Through the course, I was able to take a step back and remember that I deserve to have an enjoyable time as much as everyone else. I suspect that I was better company as a result!”
– Mary

Why join Spacious?

Often we think that once we’ve over this hurdle, once something is finished, life will calm down and we’ll have more time. But really, the only way our lives slow down is when a global pandemic forces us to stop. You don’t want to need a pandemic to create space in your life, you want to do that for yourself.  

By joining Spacious you are taking action to claim your time, to create and protect the space in your life that you want and need, to feel the calm, the assuredness, the joy that comes with it.

By the end of Spacious you will:

  • stress less
  • have more energy
  • enjoy more time for yourself without feeling guilty
  • feel more content and peace with your life right now
  • believe in the true value of yourself and your time
  • be equipped with a range of tools and strategies which create space in your mind and life

“The fact that you have been through all the things that I've struggled with all my life, it makes me feel reassured and gives me courage to embark on an exciting new way of life.”
– Diana

Why learn from me?

gabrielle treanor sat at her desk

I know what it's like to have the weight of time pressure heavy on my shoulders. In my corporate career I swapped my heels for flats with the sole reason of getting across the office quicker to save time – yes, really – and nearly burned out because of it. 

I spent so much of my time trying not to let anyone down, trying not to make a mistake, doing what other people needed me to, being accommodating and flexible and helpful, it meant there was little time left over for what I wanted and little energy to do it.

Discovering how I was valuing my time, where, how and on what I was spending it, shifting my thinking around how I used my time, and taking action to reclaim my time has had a revolutionary effect on my stress levels and my happiness. 

As a certified international life and positive psychology coach I have supported individuals and organisations for more than six years.

As a writer I have written for and being featured in many magazines such as Psychologies, Red, Breathe, The Simple Things and Happy News.

My first book, The 1% Wellness Experiment, was published by Hachette in 2023.

gabrielle treanor speaking at byca london inspiration day

I host the Pressing Pause podcast, I’ve been interviewed as a guest on other podcasts and invited to speak at events. Through my one to one coaching, online courses and workshops I've helped hundreds of women overcome overwhelm, stress and exhaustion, and find more space, peace, calm and joy in their daily lives.

gabrielle treanor knitting
gabrielle treanor gardening
gabrielle treanor cycling

This course is for you if…

…you have had enough of trying to squash everything into your day and struggling to get on top of it all 

…you don't want to be the snappy, resentful partner, mum, friend or daughter (and the guilt that comes with it)

…you want to have more choice in how you spend your time

…you’d love to swap stress and overwhelm for peace, calm and focus

…you want to confidently say no without feeling guilty for doing so

…you crave time to spend on what nourishes you, what inspires, energises, fulfils you and what gives you joy

…you want to unhook your sense of self-worth from your to do list, connect to your intuition, and increase your confidence and self-belief

…you’re ready to try thinking about, and doing, things differently

This is not for you if…

…you’re looking for a magic pill so you can cram your day with even more busyness and tick box every waking minute

…you’re not ready to make any changes

“You bring grounded common sense, gentle humour, familiar experiences, references, and metaphors, as well as a beautifully calming energy that I love.”
– Jennifer

Spacious FAQs

For the lifetime of the course, 12 months at the very least, probably longer!

A smartphone computer or tablet listen to or read the course content and download the bonus PDFs. 

On the first day of the course the first part of the course will be available for you to listen to via the private podcast and/or read in the private online classroom. I will send you information on how to access both.

Then each week, for the next three weeks, the next part of the course will become available to you to listen to or read. The bonuses will be available in the online classroom for you to download in the final week of the course.

If you choose Option 2 you will also get two 45mins-long one-to-one coaching calls with me to talk through the specific challenges you're dealing with.

Yes! The content is released weekly to minismise overwhelm and you can take it all in at your own pace. There is no timetable, no pressure and no falling behind. 

“I love your combination of wise, insightful information and your calm grounded energy. You deliver facts and valuable information in ways that are easy to digest and absorb and therefore use.”
– Josie

Spacious course image credit: Priscilla Du Preez/Unsplash