Spring ebook landscape

Spring is a time when the world awakens from its wintry slumber, when nature blossoms, days lengthen, temperatures rise and we feel ready to get back out into the world. 

Being mindful of this season, with all its accompanying wonders, allows us to appreciate it, savour it and experience more calm and contentment during Spring and as we move into Summer. 

Savour the Season: Step into Spring with Mindful Intention Ebook is a guide to fully participating in Spring, to making the most of all the season has to offer and to being intentional about how we want to move through Spring and into the Summer.


The Ebook is divided into two halves with resources included throughout:

Part 1 focuses on savouring the delights of Spring and we:

  • look at the wonders of the natural world we live in
  • take a mindful walk with a recorded audio guide to listen to
  • discover how we can celebrate Spring in our homes with tips and inspiration
  • savour the taste of Spring with seasonal food and where to find great recipes
  • use photography to savour Spring with a selection of prompts to choose from
  • learn how savouring boosts our wellbeing with a daily practice worksheet that harnesses these benefits

Part 2 focuses on mindful intention – what we want to do and how we want to feel during Spring – and we:

  • consider where we are now and how we want to feel in the coming weeks to set intentions for the season using the tailored worksheet
  • listen to a recorded visualisation exercise to help us gain clarity
  • choose a guiding word for Spring to give us focus and direction
  • look at the opportunities for growing our own food and flowers with recommended resource links
  • take a microadventure to broaden our perspective and experience

Woven into the Ebook are worksheets, audio guides, recommended resources, along with thought-provoking questions and creative prompts.


Spring, the longed-for season, can be a great source of hope, inspiration and joy, this year more than any other. Savouring Spring – paying attention to how the world around us is blossoming, even when the weather doesn't co-operate – gives us the opportunity to bring down the overwhelm and create calm and joy in every day.

With Savour the Season: Step into Spring with Mindful Intention Ebook you will experience all that Spring has to offer with more mindfulness, appreciation, calm, creativity, fun and clarity on how you want to feel and what you want do during this season and on into the next.

After your purchase you will have instant access to your Savour the Season: Step into Spring with Mindful Intention Ebook so you can begin savouring the season without delay.

gabrielle april 2021
Fabulous FREEBIES!
I've made some amazing free resources for you to feel more calm, peace and ease…

FREE Guide to starting your day calm

FREE Set of guided meditations

FREE Ebook to overcome your overwhelm

FREE Guide to making your own soothing self kit