Pressing Pause

Episode #71

You make more of an impact than you think

Gabrielle Treanor


We may not realise it but how you are, what you say and do, has an impact that goes beyond those immediately around us. So not only do we affect others when we’re tired, overwhelmed or stressed, but also when we’re energised, relaxed and happy…

In this episode we look at:

  • Research that shows just how far-reaching an affect we can have on other people
  • How that questions the idea that taking care of your own needs and desires is selfish
  • I share an example of how I saw the ripple effect for myself
  • What the ripple effect means for how we treat ourselves


  • My new online course, Rooted – feel calm, in control and confident you can cope – is available to pre-order now with two bonuses to boot! Click here to find out more and join
  • Come say hi to me on Instagram, I’m @gabrielletreanor
  • If you enjoy the podcast I’d love you to leave a review on iTunes so that others can find it too
  • If you value what I share in the podcast, and elsewhere, you can buy me a virtual cuppa here

gabrielle april 2021
Fabulous FREEBIES!
I've made some amazing free resources for you to feel more calm, peace and ease…

FREE Guide to starting your day calm

FREE Set of guided meditations

FREE Ebook to overcome your overwhelm

FREE Guide to making your own soothing self kit