Pressing Pause

Episode #10

What to do when you feel overwhelmed

Gabrielle Treanor


Overwhelm likes to take on different guises so it can get a firm hold on you without you even realising. It shows up as a lack of focus, an inability to know what to do next, as a lack of patience, as pessimism, lethargy and apathy along with plenty of other feelings that make you want to hide under the duvet.

In this episode we look at:

  • The sneaky signs that you’re in overwhelm
  • What are the common causes
  • What you can do to help yourself feel better
  • How you can reduce its impact on you next time


gabrielle april 2021
Fabulous FREEBIES!
I've made some amazing free resources for you to feel more calm, peace and ease…

FREE Guide to starting your day calm

FREE Set of guided meditations

FREE Ebook to overcome your overwhelm

FREE Guide to making your own soothing self kit