World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

self-care, self-compassion and mindfulness

Today is World Mental Health Day and I love that not only is there a specific day to highlight mental health but also that we’re talking about it so much more every day. I want to share just one thing with you today which I find really helpful and so think you might do to.

Treat yourself as you would treat your best friend. 

So, when you’re facing a challenge or you messed up, imagine you are your best friend, what would you say to her? You wouldn’t call her names, shame her or tell her she’s a bad person, so don’t talk to yourself like that. Think what you’d say and what you’d do to help her and say those words to yourself.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, what would you do for your friend who’s feeling like that? Perhaps you’d take her outside for some fresh air, get her something tasty and nourishing to eat, put her to bed early, give her a hug (you can do that for yourself, just wrap your arms around your body), take a few deep breaths in and out with her, tell her you understand this is really difficult and that she won’t always feel like that.

If you were your best friend, talking to you when you’re struggling, you’d be kind and caring, you’d let her know she’s not alone, that there is help available, that you love and value her.

So do that for yourself, be your own best friend, today and every day.

gabrielle april 2021
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