Pressing Pause

Episode #13

What to do when the news feels overwhelming

Gabrielle Treanor


While it’s important to stay up to date and informed on what’s happening locally and across the globe, overthinkers can become overwhelmed by news reports and feel a mixture of guilt, upset and helplessness.

In this episode we look at:

  • The difference between being informed and overwhelmed
  • How staying glued to the news doesn’t necessarily help you or those involved in the reports
  • The positive action you can take motivated by the news to feel less helpless
  • What you can do to reduce your overthinking and upset when you feel overwhelmed by news reports


  • Episode 6: How to disrupt the overthinking cycle
  • Episode 8: Calm your mind and open your eyes with a mindful walk
  • Learning to ground yourself in the present and recognise when you’re getting caught up in your whirling thoughts allows you to untangle yourself and calm your nerves, take a look at my online course, Exhale, for how you can learn to meditate in just a few minutes a day

gabrielle april 2021
Fabulous FREEBIES!
I've made some amazing free resources for you to feel more calm, peace and ease…

FREE Guide to starting your day calm

FREE Set of guided meditations

FREE Ebook to overcome your overwhelm

FREE Guide to making your own soothing self kit