Pressing Pause

Episode #47

The most valuable skill we can develop

Gabrielle Treanor


Feeling like you couldn’t cope if things went wrong, if life became super challenging, is a fear overthinkers share. It’s behind a lot of the What If-ing and the need to overplan and be in control at all times. There’s a skill we can all develop and strengthen to help us feel able to cope – resilience.

In this episode we look at:

  • How the fear of not being able to deal with life keeps us scared of life
  • What resilience is
  • How being resilient reduces overthinking
  • Different ways we can build and strengthen our own resilience


  • The Early Bird special offer on my new online course, Worry Less for Life – how to calm your mind, build resilience and enjoy life more, ends 10pm Wednesday 13 March, the course is available to join until 29 March, check it out here
  • Episode 18: How to deal with difficult emotions

gabrielle april 2021
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FREE Ebook to overcome your overwhelm

FREE Guide to making your own soothing self kit