Pressing Pause

Episode #3

The life-changing power of feeling grateful

Gabrielle Treanor


Savouring the good stuff and making a point every day to appreciate the little things in life can have a real and powerful positive impact on your life.

In this episode we look at:

  • What being thankful, grateful and appreciative is and, importantly, what it is not
  • What gratitude practice is and how you can do it
  • The benefits of regular gratitude practice as shown by positive psychology research
  • How I’ve made thankfulness part of daily life and the difference it’s made to me


  • Recommended books on gratitude: Gratitude Works! By Robert Emmons and The Gratitude Diaries by Janice Kaplan
  • Write in a gratitude journal like these from the green gables or Kikki.K
  • Gratitude apps: What’s Good: Daily Gratitude and Happijar
  • Take photos of what you’re thankful for and share on Instagram with #savouringhappiness, #capturinggratitude, #thehappynew or #thisjoyfulmoment
  • Join my e-course, A Thankful Heart, to learn how to appreciate all aspects of your life, create your own gratitude habit, reduce your stress, build your resilience and enjoy life more every day

gabrielle april 2021
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