Pressing Pause

Episode #7

How noticing the little things creates calm and joy

Gabrielle Treanor


When you think of what makes you feel content, what gives you bumps of joy in your daily life, more often than not it’s the little things rather than the big events. And why is that? It’s because we notice these so-called little things and we savour them. The benefits of savouring the ordinary stuff of life are far-reaching.

In this episode we look at:

  • What is savouring
  • What are the benefits to our wellbeing
  • The four strands of savouring
  • Why money doesn’t help
  • What we can do to increase our opportunities to savour


  • Books discussing savouring: Savouring by Fred Boyd Bryant, The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky, Authentic Happiness by Martin Seligman
  • Take photos of what you’re savouring in life and share on Instagram with #savouringhappiness, #savourtheseasonalshift, #flashesofdelight #petitejoys or #forahappymoment
  • Get a copy of my ebook Savour the Season: Step into Spring with Mindful Intention to maximise your enjoyment of Spring and consider what you want to do and how you want to feel as you move through Spring and into Summer

gabrielle april 2021
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