Live Your Best Life: Rabya Lomas

Live Your Best Life: Rabya Lomas

I'm back with the next in my Live Your Best Life interview series where we look at what living the life you want and contributing to the world in a way that works for you actually means for each of us. There's no perfect way to go about it and the inspiring women who share here don't have it all figured out, they're simply doing what they can to live the best life they can.

Rabya Lomas may have my favourite title – The Playful Content Creator – so of course I wanted to include her in the series! I've followed Rabya on Instagram for quite a while, her images and captions are fun and thought-provoking and her IG Stories make me feel like she's chatting directly to me.

Here's what Rabya has to say…

Rabya Lomas Live Your Best Life interview

Hi, Rabya, can you tell us a bit about yourself, and what your life is like please?
Well, I’m Rabya, I’m a British Pakistani Muslim,parent to a four-year-old boy, married, working full time in Project Management for an education charity, and content creator in the margins! I create, for the most part, fun portrait photography and share this frequently on Instagram. I also talk a lot about Intersectional Feminism, and matters of equality, particularly, and the intersection of race.Life is busy, there never seems to be enough hours and I don’t feel like I’ve got the balance quite nailed just yet. I aspire to one day have more paid content creative work in order to drop my full time job to part time. I know it will happen but these things take time.

What inspirational quotes or words hold meaning for you?
'Protect Your Energy.' I'm a super empathetic person, but I’m learning to put in boundaries and realise I can own other people's problems.

That's a great mantra. So how do you recognise when life’s getting on top of you?
It usually results in a big cry after being hard on myself!

And then what do you do to get back to how you want to feel?
You still have to feel those feelings, that’s how we become resilient. So I cry, I talk to my sisterhood who hold space for me. I practice kindness and all the self care which to me looks like quiet time by myself, a solo cinema trip, a light jog. When my mind is warring I just physically want to block out noise and just listen to my breathing.

What are you plans, hopes and dreams for the future?
I hope that I can one day create a business that not only sustains me but helps others too. I’m not sure how I’m going to get there but I’m following my curiosity as of now and seeing where it takes me. I know I want it to be rooted in creativity and intersectional feminism for sure.

Looking forward to seeing where your curiosity takes you! And finally, can you tell us what living your best life means to you?
Feeling like more days are filled with momentum, I realise we can’t be moving forward at a fast pace all day everyday but I would like more days when I’m deep flow, rather than despair!

You can connect with Rabya on Instagram and on her blog here where you can find a free Playbook to help you find fun in photography.

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