Live Your Best Life: Ariadne Kapsali

Live Your Best Life: Ariadne Kapsali


Live Your Best Life interview with yoga teacher and life coach Ariadne Kapsali

Today is the second in a new series of interviews with inspiring individuals where I talk to them about how they’re living their best life. This doesn’t mean their lives are perfect, or that they have it all figured out, by any stretch.

Living your best life is all about being the best version of yourself that you can be at this moment. It’s about recognising the good in your life, working to bring more joy into the world and making the most of this one, valuable life we have.

Here I talk with life coach and yoga teacher, Ariadne Kapsali, about how she’s living her best life:

Tell us a bit about yourself  and the path you took to get to where you are today.
Life is definitely interesting at the moment for me. I am going through a massive transition and part of my journey is to see this as an opportunity for growth. I am living in London with my husband and I’m originally from Athens in Greece. I came to the UK to study Psychology in 2002 and have been on a path of self exploration and studying ever since. I’ve worked in the NHS for many years and it wasn’t until after I committed to my yoga practice as a space for my own healing and grounding that I came to the realisation that the life I had been striving for was actually not in line with what I truly needed and wanted. It took a lot of courage and strength to work through the confusion of not knowing what you’re doing with yourself; London is such a fast moving city, everyone is rushing to get somewhere – literally and figuratively – and I was also on some level caught up into the rat race. But thankfully I was able to step out of this for long enough to make some choices which brought me closer to my ‘zone’. I now work in a very holistic way, mainly specialising in one-on-one consultations, integrating yoga with my Psychology background and Mindfulness to offer psychological coaching and yoga sessions. I believe so strongly in our need to ground, go within and identify our inner guidance and strength. From there, there is no limit to where we can go, as long as we have clarity and intention.

In my spare time you’ll find me doing yoga, spending quiet time to recharge and restore, walking outside, drinking good coffee and connecting with the people that are important to me. I love travelling and finding different ways to channel my creativity. I am hoping to soon make space in my life for having a dog again!

What inspirational quotes or mantras hold meaning for you?
We rise by lifting others.

What are the signs that life’s getting on top of you?
I get very critical of myself and others, I pick arguments with my husband, I have very little patience and I avoid my yoga mat (because it’s like a mirror!). I also can become quite withdrawn from the world and anxious about practical things. I start to overanalyse and feel like my energy is drained.

So what do you do to get back to how you want to feel?
Well, sometimes I realise what’s going on quite quickly and other times, it really may take days before I step out of the spiral. Thankfully what happens when you practice yoga and meditation regularly is you start to notice when you have not been sticking to your usual practice. This is the first thing that I know is guaranteed to help me feel like myself again. However what I’ve also learnt is to seek help; my man, my family, my friends but also from a team of people that I can ask support from, including my coach, getting a massage, or another form of energy shifting that I may need. What I’ve come to accept is that I am ever evolving and what I need shifts and therefore the biggest gesture of self-love and self-care is to show patience and compassion towards myself and give myself what I need without judgement. Often that might mean taking a break from work, taking myself for a walk, and going to a yoga class to connect with my body. Other times that simply means having a nice dinner with my man at home and watching a documentary.

What are your plans, hopes and dreams for the future?
I feel that although this is a very challenging time in the world with a lot of negativity around, traumas and crises, there is also a huge shift in our collective consciousness. What I mean by this is that more and more people are opting to live more mindfully and more in alignment with their highest self and the environment. We are being drawn towards collaboration, meaningful change and authenticity in work, at home and in the way we relate to each other. My vision is to help and be part of this shift, supporting people in taking responsibility and empowering them to make choices from the heart that bring them in alignment with their desires and goals.

I hope to do this as I continue to explore what ‘home’ means to me; setting roots somewhere perhaps where I can be closer to nature. I’m excited to see how the future unfolds.

So tell us, Ariadne, what does living your best life mean to you?
In one sentence, it really means living from the heart. Making space for real connection, for healing and for doing the things that matter most to me.

Ariadne Kapsali is a Psychological Life Coach, Mental Health professional and Yoga Teacher. She is passionate about empowering people to become full versions of themselves and learn to trust their intuition to overcome anxiety, stress and fearful living and move towards personal growth. She is the creator of The Bliss Sessions, monthly yoga and personal development workshops inspiring people to switch off, reduce stress and reconnect to themselves. Ariadne is currently based in London and also works with people worldwide online.

Connect with Ariadne on her website where you can download a free guided meditation and a copy of her ebook Clear & Connected: A guide to cleansing, releasing and coming home to you. You can also find her on Facebook and Instagram.

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