Get out of your head and into your life

Get out of your head and into your life

Be Here Now - A Guide to Living Mindfully

You know that feeling where you’re constantly playing catch-up and at the end of each day you wonder where the time went. Where it feels like everyone else (especially on social media) has it all together and sorted while you feel a disorganised mess. Where you find yourself missing what’s going on around you because you’re in your head, thinking, planning, worrying.

I know you want to feel less stressed. You want to spend less time worrying. You want to feel less glued to your digital devices and for social media to feel fun not make you feel bad about yourself. You want to really connect with the people you care about. And, ultimately, you want to simply enjoy your life more as it is right now. I know it can feel so difficult to make a change. You don't have to figure this out alone, I'm here to share with you that it's entirely possible and I'll be with you every step of the way. 

Learning how mindfulness can make the difference with everything I just listed is why I want to share all I know with you by creating Be Here Now.

The reason I describe Be Here Now as a practical guide to living mindfully is because this isn't theoretical stuff that's hard to apply to the realities of life. In the course I give you sustainable, doable steps to blend with your daily life, not carve out extra time for. The course includes the option to listen to as well as read the content, 20 worksheets, six meditations (no cushions required), a private Facebook group and live sessions with me.

“Thank you so much for the course, it was really informative and very useful. The practical element of it especially, as it gave me concrete things to do and try and felt so manageable and the things to try weren't overwhelming. It was great to have smaller things to try, as well as the guidance to focus on different areas at a time.”
– Jennifer

Click here to come over to the Be Here Now page and find out all about the course and see if it feels like a good fit for you. Registration is open now and class begins on Friday 2 March.

If you'd like to read more from people who have taken my courses to find out what their experience was like and how it made a difference to them, take a look at the feedback on this page.

gabrielle april 2021
Fabulous FREEBIES!
I've made some amazing free resources for you to feel more calm, peace and ease…

FREE Guide to starting your day calm

FREE Set of guided meditations

FREE Ebook to overcome your overwhelm

FREE Guide to making your own soothing self kit

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