Begin 2018 with The Warm Embrace

Begin 2018 with The Warm Embrace

The Warm Embrace ecourse to start the year with compassion and self-kindness

The Warm Embrace is a free, seven-day e-course to help you start the new year feeling optimistic not overwhelmed. I first ran this course last year and it has such an overwhelmingly positive response I knew I wanted to share it with you again this year.

The Warm Embrace is just for you and just for January.

It’s about beginning 2018 saying no to unsustainable resolutions, self-criticism, restrictive diets, and gruelling exercise regimes. It’s about starting the year saying yes to enjoying life, nourishing yourself and moving gently into this year with compassion and kindness for yourself.

“The Warm Embrace was the best friend quietly telling you to look after yourself.”
– Caroline

The Warm Embrace is completely free, it’s my gift to you. The course will only be available for the month of January so you can pop on over to the course page here. You’ll get an email a day for a week, plus a recorded meditation. I have recorded each email too you can listen to the content rather than read, if that suits you better.

Give yourself a break and start your year on a positive note with intention, balance and love.

“Gabrielle has such a lovely comforting voice and you really feel that she cares. Great to have both the written word and option to listen to the clip.”
– Maria

gabrielle april 2021
Fabulous FREEBIES!
I've made some amazing free resources for you to feel more calm, peace and ease…

FREE Guide to starting your day calm

FREE Set of guided meditations

FREE Ebook to overcome your overwhelm

FREE Guide to making your own soothing self kit

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