A Thankful Heart is open for registration now!

A Thankful Heart is open for registration now!


I’m so pleased to announce that my new e-course, A Thankful Heart, is open for registration.

I can happily talk for hours (and get quite animated) about how gratitude is the key to our happiness. A few minutes’ regular practice every day will positively impact your wellbeing and increase how happy you feel. There’s science to back it up and everything! I give you all of the information and how research has proven the benefits of gratitude practice at the start of the three-week course. A Thankful Heart is a 21-day course because that’s how long it takes to form a new habit, and studies have shown the benefit of gratitude is felt within three weeks of consistent practice.

Join me in creating a happiness habit with gratitude practice and create a happier life of your design. A Thankful Heart starts on 16 May so read all about the course and book your place here.

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